Indoor, at-home workouts got a little monotonous for many of us during the spring, so the thought of doing it again this winter is a little deflating. My clients feel the same way!
I’ve been doing this type of workout with my clients via Zoom, and they have all been enjoying it. It’s different, requires no special equipment and you’re done in 20 minutes!
For this workout, you need four water bottles, cans, toys, Gatorade bottles or anything you can use in the place of a cone. I used water bottles in my pictures.
By mixing in some agility drills, we are increasing the heart rate and making this workout a little more challenging. Check it out:
Repeat this circuit 2-4 times!
20 Walking Lunges (10 per leg) If you have a set of dumbbells, use them!
45-sec. drill shuffling down one side of the cones/water bottles and returning to start by shuffling down the other side. Do a burpee (or step back) and start your shuffle sequence again. (See picture below)
10 Push-ups
45-sec. drill hopping down one side of cones/water bottles on left foot, hopping back down the other side of cones on your right foot. (See picture below)
10 Supermen
45-sec. drill running/shuffling around four cones in square formation. (See picture below)
20 Elevated Bridges (feet up on step, couch, ottoman, etc.) If you have a dumbbell, feel free to place it on your hips.
45-sec. drill of lateral hops from one cone to the next. Starting at cone 1, push off your left foot and hop over to cone 2. (See picture below)
20 Reverse Lunges + Bicep Curls (If you have dumbbells, use them. If not, just do the motion.)
45-sec. of Jumping Jacks
15 Triceps Dips on a chair or bench
25 Squat jumps
30-sec. Plank with Arm Reaches – Don’t let your hips move!
Shuffle + Burpee - first drill listed.
Hop on left foot, hop on right foot. Second drill listed in workout.
Shuffling around four cones - third dill listed.
Lateral leaps around the cones - fourth drill listed.