Exercise Snacking: Quick, Five-Minute Workouts

Do you think five minutes of activity can make a difference?

Will it improve your fitness levels?

“Exercise snacking” has been gaining popularity in the fitness community. These quick bursts of activity, ranging from seconds to minutes, have been proven to improve fitness levels.

Several months ago, I had an outpatient procedure done on my leg. Unfortunately, I got a blood clot. So, for several weeks, I was instructed to walk for 5-10 minutes every hour.

Do you know what happened?

My step count increased dramatically. I actually lost weight, and I didn’t lose muscle strength.

My cravings were kept at bay because I was moving every hour. I might have felt like snacking before I left, but by the time I was done walking, I wasn’t really hungry.

So, what are some ways to fit “snacking” into your day?

  • Walk while you talk. Move around while you are on the phone.

  • After you finish a project or are at a stopping point, stand up and stretch. Do 10 push-ups against the edge of your desk. Or, try to do 20 squats.

  • Don’t take the elevator. Climb the stairs instead.

  • During a commercial break or in between shows, lay down on the floor and do several sets of bridges or a plank.

Want some more ideas?

Check out these three ideas below. Happy “snacking!”


10 Push-ups on edge of a desk or against the wall

10 Triceps Dips on the edge of your chair

10 Shoulder Presses (with no weight)

5 Arm Circles to the Front/Back


Option #2:

20 sec. of Squats

20 sec. of Squat Jumps

20 sec. Holding Squat Position (with arms extended straight overhead)


Option #3:

3-min Dance Party

Pick a fun, upbeat song. Every time you hear the chorus, do one movement; choose a second movement for the rest of the song.

Chorus: Cross punches to the front

Rest of the song/verses: March or jog in place

15-Minute Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Having a strong upper body is so much more important than just being able to sport enviable arms! Having a strong upper body improves your posture, reduces the risk of injury and helps with flexibility. As with all muscles in your body, participating in resistance training helps strengthen your bones; additionally, strength training helps reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

Often, when I start training clients, they think an individual is either strong in her lower body or upper body. The assumption is made that an individual can only have strength in one of the two areas. The good news is that just isn’t true. You can – and should be – strong in both your upper and lower body. You might naturally have more strength in your lower body, but that just means you have an opportunity to strengthen your upper body!

These are a few exercises that are my go-to upper body strengtheners. If you only have 15 minutes, give this upper body workout a try or tack it on to the end of an existing workout.

If you want more upper body workouts, check out some of my favorites:

10-Minute Upper Body Workouts

5-Minute Triceps Workout

15-Minute DB Upper Body Workout

Circuit 1 – Repeat 3 times:

4 Plank Walk-Outs

10 Dumbbell Rows

Circuit 2 – Repeat 3 times:

10 Push-up Rotations (Into Side Plank)

10 Lying Chest Fly (option: add Leg Raises)

10 Bird Dogs

Circuit 3 – Repeat 3 times

10 Bicep Curls

10 Triceps Kickbacks

10 Scarecrows

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Can Exercise Tone Flabby Arms?

Can exercise tone flabby arms? Absolutely! We all carry our weight in different parts of our bodies, and for some people, their upper arms are a common place. Exercise can’t spot reduce a specific area of your body; however, a balanced diet coupled with exercise can help reduce body fat – including the backs of the arms.

Triceps exercises will help strengthen your triceps muscles, which will help reduce the appearance of flabby upper arms. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) sponsored a study to identify the most effective triceps exercises. After testing several well-known movements, the triangle push-up was identified as the most effective triceps exercise.

If you are hoping to strengthen your triceps, check out my quick, five-minute “banish flabby arms” workout that you can tack on to an existing workout or if you are short on time, do it by itself. Additionally, I’m including some of my favorite cardio and strength training workouts, which will help with overall weight loss and strength training.

5 minute Triceps Workout:

12 Triangle Push-ups

12 Triceps Dips on the Ground

12 Triceps Kickbacks

Repeat 2-3 times total.

Here are some of my favorite workouts to help burn calories and strengthen muscles:

Small-Space Workout

Isometric Burn Workout

20-Min. AMRAP Workout

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Toned Arms Workout - No Weights Needed!

Bingo wings, bat wings, lunch lady arms - these are some of the colorful terms I hear my clients use to talk about their upper arms.  Ab workouts and arm workouts are what my clients request the most.  The tricky thing about arm workouts is that you can't just do a few sets of arm exercises and immediately have Michelle Obama arms. You also have to throw in some cardio if you have any fat on your arms. You can build muscle, but if you have excess fat on your arms, it's going to be harder to see the muscle. (Also, what you eat can affect this, too. Make healthy choices! )

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