Fast, At-Home Workout

If you hate going to the gym, you’re not alone. In a survey conducted by Fitrated, 65 percent of women said they avoided the gym for fear of being judged. Concerns about not looking fit enough (55 percent), being judged by what they were wearing (49 percent) or being stereotyped (25 percent) were cited by the survey participants.

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I agree with the survey participants – going to the gym can be incredibly intimidating. It’s hard enough to get motivated to work out, so the last thing you want to deal with is added discomfort from your environment.

The good news is that you can get a fantastic workout at home – no fancy gym needed! I created this workout for individuals who would prefer to work out at home or for those days when fitting in a trip to the gym is not an option. This quick and easy workout is a bodyweight workout, so no equipment is needed. You just need 20 minutes and a little bit of space.

For more bodyweight workouts, check out my workout page. Or, try some of my favorite at-home workouts:

Cardio Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Calorie-Torching Pyramid Workout

The Isometric Burn Workout

At-Home Workout

Circuit 1:

12 Push-ups

12 Supermen

Repeat 3 times.

Circuit 2:

15 Squats with Arms Overhead

15 Single-Leg Bridges (each leg)

Repeat 3 times.

Circuit 3:

12 Lateral Lunges (each leg)

12 Wide Leg Sumo Squats

15 Squat Jacks

Repeat 3 times.

Circuit 4:

12 Plank Arm Raises

12 Bird Dogs

Repeat 3 times.

Circuit 5:

12 Tricep Dips (on the ground)

15 Mountain Climbers

Repeat 3 times.

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