Quick, At-Home Kettlebell Workout

Confession: the first time I ever used a kettlebell, I did it wrong. Very wrong. The following day I woke up with such an achy sore back that I didn’t think I’d be able to get out of bed. I eventually hoisted myself out of bed and spent the next few days babying my back. All because I didn’t take the time to understand how to do kettlebell swings correctly.

Fast forward to eight years later. Yesterday I woke up after doing a kettlebell workout, and I was SO SORE. But, unlike the first time, this was the right kind of soreness. I had done a challenging kettlebell/dumbbell workout (with the correct form), and my body was recuperating.

I created the following kettlebell/dumbbell workout, so you could also experience a challenging workout. (No kettlebell swings included!)

If you don’t have kettlebells, use one dumbbell instead of the kettlebell for this workout. If you have questions, feel free to send me a note through my contact page!


10 Goblet Squats Holding Kettlebell

12 Kettlebell Glute Bridges

12 Push-ups

12 Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts (per leg)

12 Kettlebell Bicep Curls + Shoulder Presses

20 Kettlebell Pass-Through Lunges

12 Kettlebell Overhead Triceps Extensions